Research reports

In the following reports I have documented my work. It is work in progress!
Click on title to download a pdf-file
    1. New Design Process Automation for Sailing Yachts
      This is an update of the paper that I presented in Auckland 2006. The changes are in the VPP, the optimizer is still up to date. The reason for the changes is the new insight in the prediction of the hydrodynamic forces.
    2. Design Loads for the Keel of a Sailing Yacht
      This paper was published in the RINA transactions 2011

    3. Der Umlauftank des Instituts für Schiffbau der Fachhochschule Kiel
      This is a report in German about my visit to the Yacht Research Unit at the Kiel University. It describes the circulating water channel.

    4. Is There a Correlation Line for Hydrofoil Drag?
      This paper discusses the prediction of the viscous drag of keel and rudder in a VPP.

    5. The Factors that Trigger the Transition to Turbulent Flow on the Keel of a Sailing Yacht
      The turbulence level in the ocean and its influence on the transition of the boundary layer are investigated.

    6. The Influence of Sand Grain Strips on Boundary Layer Transition in the Towing Tank
      The equations in this report are a prerequisite for the calculation of the viscous resistance of the DSYHS-models in the towing tank.

    7. The Resistance of the Inui S-201 Hull
      The Resistance of the Delft-372 Hull
      These towing tank tests offer an additional and reliable database for the validation of regression methods for resistance predictions. Updated November 2014

    8. Bare Hull Upright Resistance Prediction Based on the Delft Systematic Yacht Hull Series
      A new regression analysis of the DSYHS database, last update September 2016

    9. Resistance Prediction for Sailing Yacht Hulls Based on Systematic Towing Tank Tests
      Extension of the  regression analysis to heeled and appended hulls, 2017
    10. The US Sailing Nine Model Series
      This report collects missing information, last update July 2020

    11. Resistance Prediction for Sailing Yachts, Appended with Leeway, Based on a Regression Analysis of Towing Tank Test
      Extension of the regression analysis to hulls, appended or not, with side force and leeway, 2020
    12. Aerodynamic Characteristics of 2D Sail Sections 
      Polar curves for sail sections with otimal camber, 2021, updated April 2021
    13. Calculating Aerodynamic Forces for Bermuda Sail Plans
      Prandtl's lifting-line method for arbitrary sail geometries, updated March 2023
    14. A New VPP Based on Numerical Modeling
      The combination of UliTank and UliSail into a VPP for the equilibrium of forces (3) and moments (2). January 2024
Why am I not publishing in scientific journals?
The initial versions of the first two papers in this list were published in refereed journals resp. proceedings.
The result was really disappointing, I got no feedback at all.
These papers are meanwhile hidden in very expensive CDs and are not searchable by Google.
For the reports that I published on my web-site instead, I got a tremendous and very helpful feedback.
I can easily be reached at ulrich(at)

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